Algarve Sustentável

Detalhes do evento

  • Start Date 03/01/2018
  • End Time 05:00 PM
  • Location Espaço A
BTN-Algarve > Programa > Knowledge Workshops > “Flora from the coastline ecosystems dune and marsh – Natural Park of Ria Formosa and Nature Reserve of Castro Marim’s Marshland”


Manuela David

Manuela David

University of the Algarve

Manuela David

University of the Algarve

Discussion Topic: Algarve’s Natural and Cultural Heritage

Topic: Flora

Date and schedule: 24/02/19 | 11h45 – 13h15

Workshop objectives: Understand the conditioning facts of Flora in dunes and marshes and recognition of the most found species.

Contents to be covered: The environmental constraints concerning the plants distribution and its apparent immobility.
The resistance processes of plants and the environmental stress factors. Examples of strategies in halophytic plants (resistant to salinity) and xerophytic (resistant to dryness). Dunes and marsh: formation, colonisation and zonation; most found species. Sensitivity and importance of these ecosystems. The floristic values of Ria Formosa and Nature Reserve of Castro Marim’s Marsland.

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